We offer a poetic world playing the transparency with visual effects, laws of nature as the principle of communicating vessels, which liven up pieces in their use. Containers then are sometimes colored, stirred up playing with their contents. Silently the volumes reveal their secret demanding a particular attention. This range of utilitarian pieces is marked with the marvellous of the childhood, with its spirit of discovery and game. The first collection, in 2000, was moreover called Petites leçons de choses... Recently this range grew rich of tonics decorations in colored glass. Transparency, translucence and opacity get involved in simple and graphic motives. The volumes deliberately uncluttered underline the impact of the dynamic vocabulary. With evocations of the heraldry and the sign posing, games of rhythms and colored combinations make a strong visual impression of movement and vibration ... inciting to manipulate these objects.Demanding and challenging, this new work values the rare expertise and skilfulness required in that flameworking.
ACQUISITIONS - SHMOG (The Shanghai Museum of Glass). Acquisition of several pieces for the permanent exhibition, 2012. - FNAC (Fonds National d'Art Contemporain) : Acquisition of a collection of pieces, 2021; of spoons "Cold cuts, série 1, wood and glass", 2010 and acquisistion of "Petites leçons de choses", 2001. - MUSEE DES ARTS DECORATIFS : Acquisition of Blowing, vase, 2021 and acquisistion of uniques pieces made in-situ for Luminarc, Arques International, 2008. - Musée + Centre d'Art du verre de Carmaux, France, 2019. - VILLA KUJOYAMA. Research project : "MANU-Facture" in partnership with Baccarat. French artist residency in Kyoto, Japan. 6 months in 2006. - FIACRE. Grant for research : Objets inanimés? Paris. 2002. DEMO "Canework in a flame way" during the Glass Art Society event in May 2018, the GAS MURANO, Italy.
RECENT EXHIBITIONS - 5 eme Biennale du Verre de Colombes, 03/10/2020 - 30/01/2021. - Renversant ! Quand art et design s'emparent du verre : La Cité du vin de Bordeaux, 14/03/19 - 30/10/2019. - Aujourd'hui & Demain : la jeune garde du verre français. Musée + Centre d'Art du verre de Carmaux, 01/04 - 15/10/2019.